Prismatic Cell

We adopted the world's first prismatic type as a Hybrid Super Capacitor. Excellent robustness, we offer products with higher heat dissipation efficiency and mountability than ordinary cylindrical type.

    • High operating voltage (3.8 V)
    • High output (~1300 A chargeable / dischargeable)
    • High energy density (~20wh / L)
    • Rapid charging / discharging due to large current (100 A or more)
    • High durability (over 1 million cycles)
    • Wide range of operating temperature (-30℃ to 70℃)
    • High safety (no thermal runaway of the positive electrode)
  • Minimal self-discharge (voltage drop at 10,000 hours is less than 5%)

Cell representative characteristic value

Rated Voltage 3.8V〜2.2V
Initial characteristics Capacitance 3300F 4100F
Capacitance Ah 1.47Ah 1.82Ah
DC-IR 0.7mΩ 1.03mΩ
Gravimetric energy density 13Wh/kg 17Wh/kg
Volumetric energy density 20Wh/L 26Wh/L
Gravimetric power density 10kW/kg 9kW/kg
Volumetric power density 15kW/L 13kW/L
Continuous discharge current 200A 100A
Maximum discharge current 1300A 1200A

Temperature characteristics
(25°C capacity ratio)

Lowest temperature in the temperature range 75% 75%
Highest temperature in the temperature range 100% 100%

Cycle durability
Cycle counts required to 80%
capacitance retention

≧1,000,000 ≧100,000
Operating temperature range −30℃〜70℃ −30℃〜70℃
Dimentions in mm 150.2×93.2×15.8
Weight 343g 323kg

These values ​​are nominal values ​​and may be changed without notice.

Safety Test Cycle Test Float Test Storage Test Self-discharge Test

High Power, Long Life, High Safety Hybrid Super Capacitor

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